What do I think makes a good movie? The same thing that makes a good novel: the characters. I know, many would argue that plot and story are key, but I believe that if you’ve got good characters, you will get a good story. No matter where you put them, no matter what problem you give them. They (the characters) can’t help but perform. And because they are interesting characters, they will do interesting things. And I will want to see it. And think about it. And maybe see it again.
Personal Philosophy
It is important to know your worth and to continue to pursue positive goals. Watch out for individuals who attempt to belittle or deny your ideas and achievements. These are people who clearly see your talents, know that you are capable, and are terrified that you will fulfill your potential.
Good Reads:
The Success System That Never Fails, by W. Clement Stone
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
The Gift of Fear, by Gavin de Becker